Empowering Businesses
Average positions filled per client
Talents placed
Candidates assessed
Years of Excellence
The key to successful placements
The Core of Our Success
Personalized initial consultation
Tailoring solutions to your unique needs, culture, and roles
Strategy & Candidate Sourcing
We blend advanced automation and AI tools with the expertise
Screening & Interviewing
Combine automated pre-screening with personalized interviews
Final Selection & Placement
Offer support during the offer stage and onboarding
Client Growth Stories
I am very grateful to you for your work. Olesya has been working at our company for some time now, and I am extremely pleased with her work. As a manager, it is incredibly rewarding for me to have such people in my department.
Fati Aghaeva
An extraordinary approach, an in-depth study of client needs, identifying the exact real needs on the part of the employer. I have respect approach to finding a candidate at the employer`s requst.
Ram Dange
We brought this to Romanuk consult and within I think if Max maximum of two weeks we got we were offered an amazing candidate I guess I would say their strengths are that they really know where to find people.
Susan Kibler
Нow Our Specialist Led IT Innovation
In September 2019, our IT specialist was hired. Now Head of IT, they have driven 4x company growth over five years, adding an impressive 60 million in revenue.
Trusted By
Delivering Recruitment Efficiency and Results
Transparent pricing
Simple, flexible plans tailored for you
Fee structure
Includes vacancy promotions, starting from one month’s salary
Accumulated Discount Program
Save up to 20% on regular cooperation
Up to 6 months
Free replacement and no additional fees